Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tag lagi.........

Assalamualaikum semua....pagi ni jalan-jalan cari pasal pergi blog-blog orang lain...Eddy UTP telah men'Tag' aku..baik punya panjang r dia punya tag..rajin betul dia mereke..heh..soklan2 ni pun aku kena tapis..bahaya tag si Eddy ni.. Nah cik Eddy, aku jawab lagi termampu..

What are you listening to right now?
=lagu raya of course

Where are you right now?
= campus zone

What was the last thing you ate?
= megi tomyam sahur tadi..huhu...

If you were a crayon what color would you be?
= hijau warna alam..aku

How is the weather right now?
= Panas dan cerah pastu dah redup-redup dah

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
= Bonda dari kampung yang jauh di mata..haha..

Favorite type of Food?
=ape2 je..asal kenyang sudey..hehe

What color are your eyes?
=white...betul la kan??menjawab soalan dah tu...

Do you wear contacts?
=kadang-kadang...tgk atas mood

= of course

Favorite Month?
=May (besday aku ni tau, masuk je May terus prepare hadiah ye.

Ever cried for no reason?
= tak kot..gile hape tiba-tiba nangis..

Last Movie you watched?
= yukan club

Favorite day of the week?
=Jumaat penghulu segala hari..

Are you too shy to ask someone out?
= ajak kawan keluar x malu pun..someone gak tu..hehe

Chocolate or Vanilla?
= vanilla

What books are you reading?
= Economy by Griffith

Fav. Movie?
=layan je apa ada depan mata..

Fav. baseball team?
= satu team pun tak tahu..

Any pets?
= dulu la, kucing comel nama Khabie n Junior

AIM or Yahoo?
= Yahoo

Butter, Plain or salted popcorn?
= butter

Dogs or cats?
=mesti la cat

Fav. flower?
=bunga cengkih..haha

Have you ever fired a gun?
=pernah kot...haha

Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?
=naik basikal pun best

Right handed or left handed?
=kanan penuh keberkatan

How many pillows do you sleep with?

Are you missing someone?

wah, banyak soalan..penat aku nak jawab..Ok..aku pun tak nak tag orang lain, sape rasa dia nak buat, silakan dengan hormatnya..hehe..

ok..jumpa lagi..

p/s: aku dah nak balik, duk bilang hari dah ni..hehe

Salam Mangsa Tag

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